Public Health District Encourages Citizens to Keep Cats Indoors to Help
Minimize Tularemia
Cats may prey on rabbits and rodents and become infected or
they may become infected through tick exposure. Cats may develop a variety of
symptoms including high fever, mouth ulcers, depression, enlarged lymph nodes
and behavioral changes including not eating. Persons whose cats have contact
with the outdoors should take their pet into the veterinarian if they should
develop these symptoms.
People may also contract tularemia developing sudden fever, chills,
headaches, diarrhea, joint pain, muscle aches, cough and weakness. People can
become infected by handling pets or wild animals with tularemia, being bitten
by ticks or by inhaling the organism. If you develop symptoms of tularemia see
your health care provider.
To reduce the chances that your cat will become infected:
· Do not allow your cat to hunt outdoors
· Consult with your veterinarian to make sure your cat is protected from tick bites
Report any unexplained large die-offs of rodents or rabbits to your local animal control
To reduce the chance that you or your family members will
become infected:
Wear tick protection when outdoors
Do not mow over sick or dead animals
Do not handle wild animals
Cook wild game meat thoroughly before eating and
use gloves when handling the animal and preparing the meat for cooking
Take any pet with symptoms of tularemia to the
If you have questions about tularemia in humans, please
contact Rachella Thompson ,
Communicable Disease Investigator, with CUPHD at (217) 531-5361 or your health
care provider. If you are a cat owner or have questions about tularemia in
animals, please contact your veterinarian. Visit
for additional information.